something that my dad posted on his fb and it caught me for a minute, well i felt that this is so him

‎"It is impossible to express love with words, for love is an emotional state that can be understood only by the lover"


Abu Abdullah said...

gempakk mat!

Aiman Azlan said...

bapak ko imba

Ajiez said...

Gotta love dad's awesome quotes, lagi satu i like is
"If u really wanted to be happy, Give up the idea of changing others. why??? Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have of trying to change others" One of the greatest and most liberating moments in life is the one when we realize we can't change other people. no matter how much we love them or they love us, such change is entirely a function of personal will and Allah's grace

Ajiez said...

I just realized. We have an awesome dad.

Amalina_Kaksu said...

Surprisingly, you know, Dad can be quite romantic, teehee...