Beyond good and evil

I remembered one day that a friend of mine told me that life was never fair. Its cruel. Its sucks. Well, the truth is, life does not suck. Really. its not that i never sucked at my life but its just that there are more things that you just cant see which is the 'hikmah'. and by the way, seeing is believing right? patience is just all that needed to make that thing come right in front of your eyes.

I treasured my life so much just to seek the goodness of everything thats evil and evilness in everything thats good. Because we dont judge a book by its cover. therefore, i dont judge a person by its face. I judge them by their soul. well, to be exact, their behaviour. and in encountering 'situations', i use the same methodology. They say that everything we see arent really what its look like.

For those who dont know, i missed my flight on the 29th of aug. well, i dont really 'missed' the flight but somebody made me missed the flight. but thats ok. nobodys really perfect. but the things is that, its God who made me missed the flight, thats for sure. There's something good beyond this situation which i called 'evil' before. life isnt sucks, its just that ur not good enough to make it better. life isnt cruel, its just that ur not good enough to make it pleasant.

One last ramadhan before my hijr really rocks. Well, kitchen was really full of great cuisine when its iftar, of course. and it wud probably be my last ramadhan wif family for the next 4 years to come. oh yea, friends of subang just move in to their bungalow(which they rent) and it really rocks. damn its beautiful. big like hell. i never knew students cud afford a house like that. i sleptover for a night in fitra's room.

I thought about being the unluckiest person in this world for that very incident, but then again, i just knew that i was the luckiest person ever to have such opportunities to spend time with the people that i love for one more day. thank you, God.

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